How Tyson Fury knocks out Dillian Whyte: round by round details
Tyson Fury remains undefeated after stopping Dillian Whyte in the 6th round.
Fury lands the first shot of the round as both boxers are taking their time to size each other up. First round comes to an end and it was quite an uneventful round.
Tyson Fury’s size is making it difficult for Whyte. Few punches landed and a few more missed punches. The second round comes to an end.
Whyte landing more of body shots. Fury returned the favour as the third round comes to an end. Whyte’s corner is heard urging him to move closer to Fury.
Both boxers are separated after what seemed like Whyte wrestling Fury who doesn’t seem too pleased with some of Whyte’s tactics. They are separated again. Whyte is bleeding from the top of his right eye.
Referee speaking to both boxers just before the round begins to bring it under control. Whyte almost missing his footing and both boxers exchange body shots. Fury has managed to control all five rounds but yet to land any convincing punch. Whyte is still finding it difficult to close the space between him and Fury.
Half way into the bout. Neither of the boxers have been able to sustain an attack. Fury knocks out Whyte with a wicked right upper cut! Whyte gets back on his feet, wobbles into the ropes and the referee ends it.
All that changed however as Whyte started to throw wild swings.
It boiled over in the fourth after Whyte was bloodied by an accidental clash of heads.
He responded by striking Fury with an elbow, which left him and his corner enraged.
A cup of water appeared to be thrown from Fury’s corner and referee Mark Lyson addressed both men.
It seemed to rattle Whyte and he continued to throw wildly until meeting his demise in the sixth round.
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