Simple foods that sharpen your legal mind
By Dr. Becky
Imagine remembering everything you read.
Better still, imagine being able to connect all the dots from the numerous articles, reports, case summaries, legal dictionaries and numerous literature you consume.
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Your insight is tied to your brain health.
Unfortunately, due to aging, poor sleep, poor working conditions, and our personal inadequacies very few of us can do this.
For many, we need to spend long hours reading, comparing summaries, and write ups and thinking to gain insight for our various cases, discussions and tasks.
We wish with each immersion in study our mind will work better, but it doesn’t.
It is because we break all the rules that help keep our brains at their best to satisfy our clients.
Rules like take at least 7 hours of sleep so our brain cells can renew.
Rules like eat a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables daily.
These colourful fruits and vegetables help the brain get vital nutrients like trace elements, glucose, antioxidants, vitamin E, Iron etc.
Rules like exercise daily are simple right, but not so easy to do. So what quick fixes can we make so that we keep our brains sharp?
Hmm I can see you’re thinking. What’s the first thought? Supplements, multivitamins? Now don’t rush to buy multivitamins, (they have their place).
But… first, fix your food.
When you take vitamins and don’t change your diet. It’s like painting a refuse dump site white.
The outside looks pretty, but if anyone comes close their nose, they will beg for mercy as they will be desperately looking for something to close their nostrils.
So, let’s quickly run through foods that should be on your plate so your brain can be in top shape.
Vitamin E- you can get this from mangoes, walnut, cashew nut, spinach, avocado, etc. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that knocks out free radicals. You’re probably thinking I already take vitamin E supplements. That’s great. But you’re losing out.
Let me explain. Vitamin E comes in 8 different forms. Supplements contain just one type. The remaining 7 exist in vegetables and nuts. So, you need to eat these foods to get them.
Eat foods rich in Anthocyanin’s: These are colourful fruits and vegetables. You don’t have to go too far to find them, examples hibiscus leaf, blue berries, strawberries, black berries, grapes, etc.
I’ve mentioned a lot of foreign fruits. don’t worry, you don’t have to break the bank. Simply make sure you have a handful of these colourful fruits.
This is especially important if you’ve begun to have memory problems. Do this daily and see how well your ability to recall things improves.
Some homemade vegetables that fall in this colourful group include tomatoes and carrots. If you know some more, please add them to your plate.
Now you know the foods that sharpen your brain.
It’s important to avoid foods that make you dull and cause diseases like mild cognitive impairment (mental lapses) and serious diseases like Alzheimer’s down the road.
An easy way to identify them is that these foods are not in their natural form. So, when you’re buying packaged food, check the ingredients.
If it contains trans-fat, saturated fats and hydrogenated fats, please avoid them.
Asides from processed oils, cheeses and dairy products have a good dose of these substances. So, limit your intake of dairy, if you want a sharp memory.
Also, what’s your source of water? Water that’s high in copper and iron can have negative effects on your brain. When your body has too much iron or copper it leads to formation of free radicals in the brain.
These free radicals are known to be responsible for memory issues, and brain diseases like Alzheimer’s. So, check your source of drinking water.
You see keeping your brain sharp is not difficult.
It boils down to three things:
- Avoid processed food;
- Eat colourful foods
- Make sure your water is truly clean (free from metals).
Now you know what to do?
Get started today and watch your brain capacity transform.
So, which of these will you get started with today?
Dr Becky can be reached at drbecky@legalpedia
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