‘You can’t see visible solutions to your father’s misrule’, critic tells Buhari’s daughter
President Muhammadu Buhari’s daughter, Zahra Buhari-Indimi, got her hands badly burnt when she decided hit at those criticizing her father’s incompetence in governance.
The fine-faced Zahra was reduced to a semi-literate person as a critic replied her by saying she and her ilk lack the capacity to see any solution even if it were placed right before their eyes.
US-based Nigerian academic, Farooq Kperogi wrote on his Facebook page that “most of the people who ask for ‘solutions’ aren’t really interested in any solutions; they merely want to deflect attention from the problems that government critics highlight.”
He wrote:
Buhari’s Daughter Has Joined the “Solutions” Brigade
Zahra Buhari-Indimi, was reported on April 13 to have said on Instagram that ”Criticism without offering viable solutions and alternatives for me is just noise,” joining Buhari Media Center (BMC) trolls who started and popularized this puzzlingly puerile thought.
From about the midpoint of 2017, it appeared as if Buharists got afflicted by a social media obsession that asks critics of the government to offer “solutions” to every problem they bring to light. Ironically, most of the people who ask for “solutions” can’t even see the “solutions” if the “solutions” stare them straight in their faces.
Sometimes a statement of the problem implies the solution to the problem. If I condemn nepotistic appointments in government, for instance, the solution to the problem is for the government to not be nepotistic. If I criticize the act of the president going to London for medical trips, the solution is that he should use existing hospitals, like the citizens who put him in power do—or build new ones and get treated there.
It’s as simple as that. If you need that to be spelled out for you, it means you’re not putting the resources of your brain to optimal use, in which case even a million “solutions” would be useless to you.
But why not ask the people who were elected to solve problems for solutions? That’s what they’re paid for. Since you don’t pay critics, why should critics be asked for “solutions” to problems created by people who were elected and paid to provide solutions to problems?
And who told Zahra and BMC trolls that elected people would act on any “solutions” critics provide—or that they even care about any “solutions” at all? Or is it Zahra and other unelected online trolls vegetating on the fringes of society who would implement the “solutions” critics provide?
In any case, aren’t there already too many people offering too many “solutions” to problems? Nigeria’s problem has never been the absence of solutions to problems. It has always been the absence of the will to implement the solutions.
A more productive use of the energy of Zahra and the BMC trolls her father’s regime recruits to harass critics would be to challenge elected people to implement “solutions” already offered to several problems over the years.
Alternatively, they should ask elected and appointed leaders to request the “solutions” from people who lay out the problems so that we would at least know that our solutions are solicited by people who have the capacity to implement them. Of course, they can’t do that because they grovel in worshipful awe before the powers that be.
Most importantly, though, most of the people who ask for “solutions” aren’t really interested in any solutions; they merely want to deflect attention from the problems that government critics highlight. They’d rather that critics not make their idols look bad. That’s all this is about.
I suspect that it’s a talking point developed by the Buhari Media Center to shut down or blunt criticism. But it’s a remarkably retarded strategy.
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